An application based on the goal market methodology for operationalizing strategies and a participatory system of management by objectives. The web-based (cloud) application will facilitate the management of companies, organizations and institutions. The application will enable active participation of managers and employees in the creation and operationalization of strategies. The application will enable remote management of the system of goals, i.e. defining, checking the correctness and accounting for corporate and individual goals, including through the support of the IoT system (for the goals of lower organizational levels).
Application licensed as online (cloud) SAAS or sold for installation on buyer's servers. 24/7 service and helpdesk. On-demand implementations and technical support.
The application can be sold "off the shelf," without the need to purchase external implementation support. Support in any language will enable global sales directly or through distributors.
Website: https://www.strategyhand.pl/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/strategy-hand-052779256/