
Connect Poland Prize Business Partners

Business Partners participating in the Connect Poland Prize project play two specific roles – they are either Technology Recipients or Investors. Their task is to provide support for both development process of innovative solutions which were not yet commercialized in Poland, and validation of those solutions. Ultimately, Technology Recipients has to run a test implementation of accelerated solutions, and Investors – lead the process until a Term sheet is signed.

A team applying for the project may choose from Business Partners cooperating with the Connect Poland Prize accelerator. Description of the Partners’ potential, business activities, challenges and expectations is to help start-ups adjust their innovative solution to capabilities and area of operation of a given Business Partner. Our role, in turn, is to connect – bring together foreign innovative ideas with Polish enterprises acting as Business Partners of the Connect Poland Prize project.

Our Business Partners are involved in the whole acceleration process, starting from selection through soft-landing and development phase, to the core acceleration and post-acceleration activities. They are also involved in other expert and promotional activities.

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