PGE Dystrybucja SA
PGE Dystrybucja SA is one of the companies comprising of the PGE Capital Group (PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.) with its registered office in Warsaw. The company's core business is the distribution of electricity in accordance with its licence. It has a geographical coverage of 122,433 km2 (approx. 38% of the country). PGE Dystrybucja supplies electricity to over 5.4 million customers in south-eastern and eastern Poland. It uses a distribution network comprising of over 291,002 km of power lines and 94,203 substations.
Due to the fact that this area of the Company’s activity is subject to rapid and dynamic changes, acquiring unique solutions allows not only optimizing and improving the quality of provided services, but can also result in gaining a competitive advantage.
The accelerator program organized by Lublin Science and Technology Park is a good opportunity to find promising solutions at the early stage of their development. New challenges for PGE Dystrybucja S.A. include: the role of the distribution network operator (DNO) as an entity supporting the development of the market with regards the flexibility of distributed energy sources, data management, DNO cooperation, new IT and ICT technologies, smart grid development, the activation of customers and energy communities, and cyber security.
Partner’s website: https://pgedystrybucja.pl/